eBook New York cookies (English)

Digital book of New York-style thick cookies, step by step with 21 new delicious and easy-to-make recipes.
Chef a cargo: 

Learn how to prepare authentic NY style cookies!


✔ You will learn to make voluminous, moist, spongy and crispy cookies, a worldwide phenomenon!

✔ The eBook has 21 new recipes.

✔ You don’t need previous experience or sophisticated utensils or ingredients, what you have at home and in your pantry will be enough to enjoy the cookies in the eBook.

✔ The eBook has step-by-step photos for creating cookies, nut pastes, pralines and toffees.


Important: since it is a digital book, it does not include videos.

  • What is de difference between this ebook and the Master in cookies?

    In the ebook you will find 21 new NY cookie recipes, while the cookie master includes 33 recipes for different varieties of cookies.
    The recipes are different.
    Additionally, the ebook does not include videos or certification. It is the perfect complement for those who already have a cookie master's degree, or for those looking for new recipes for their ventures.

  • What does this ebook include?

    The NY Cookies eBook includes a printable ebook with 21 new recipes. You will also find step-by-step photos.

    Important: This eBook does not include video lessons.

  • How do I use the platform?

    When you purchase a course you will have immediate access (except in cases of pre-sale or live class). To be able to enter the course you will simply have to log in with your email and password and in your user profile you will be able to see your courses. Clicking on the chosen course will direct you to the learning platform. There you will find the printable material (theory and recipes) and the video lessons.

  • Why should I buy this course?

    Because we have many years of experience in education, and we love what we do! We are interested in you having real and deep learning that allows you to have the necessary skills to create your own products. We believe that a full understanding of the preparations, their raw materials and functions is key to the success of a professional and their products. We don't just deliver recipes, we deliver knowledge, reasons and work philosophy. Because we accompany you during the process, we believe in your potential and we are a support for you to achieve your goals.

  • What are the payment methods?

    On our platform you can pay from anywhere in the world with credit and debit cards choosing PayPal.

  • Do I need experience to do this course?

    It is not necessary to have experience, this course is elaborated in such a way to explain each of the processes from the most basic to the most complex, going intensively through each of the stages, adapting to all types of students.

  • For how long will I be able to watch the course?

    You can watch the course forever, access is totally UNLIMITED.

  • Will I need to invest in tools before I start?

    No, the idea is that you learn first, that you can watch and study the course and then choose the preparations you want to make and that you yourself can evaluate whether or not to buy certain utensils.

  • Will you send me a list of ingredients?

    In the recipe book of the course you will be able to see all the ingredients of each recipe, the step by step of the preparation and its theory.


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Contenidos del curso

  • 21 recipes included

    21 recipes included

    • Classic chocolate chip
    • Kit Kat
    • Poppy seeds
    • Raspberry
    • Lotus
    • Apple
    • Pecans
    • Hazelnut
    • Christmas
    • Pistachio
    • S'Mores
    • Mango
    • Lemon poppy seeds
    • Birthday cookie
    • Pistachio apricot
    • Coffee
    • Cocoa
    • Pop Corn
    • Oreo
    • Peanuts cocoa
  • Step by step images

    Step by step images

    We show you in illustrative images the step by step of the cookies, from the beginning to the end, so that you can make them easily.
  • Tips & Advice

    Tips & Advice

    I give you all my tips, secrets and advice to ensure that everything turns out perfectly. You will find them throughout the entire eBook with a light bulb icon.

Camila Elizalde

Chef pastelera chilena, fundadora y directora de StudioPas Academy, una escuela especializada en pastelería de alto nivel que ha formado a más de 30.000 alumnos. Lidera una comunidad de más de 200.000 seguidores y ha sido reconocida como presidenta de la selección nacional de pastelería "La Roja Dulce". Ganadora de prestigiosos certámenes internacionales, incluido el primer lugar en la Copa América Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie en 2022. Camila inició su trayectoria en el mundo de la pastelería mientras estudiaba una carrera científica, Licenciatura en Biología. Movida por su pasión, decidió redirigir su camino hacia la administración gastronómica y profundizar sus conocimientos en renombradas escuelas internacionales. Apasionada por la enseñanza y la innovación educativa en pastelería, creó StudioPas (anteriormente Taller Culinario Chile) con el objetivo de transformar el aprendizaje de esta disciplina. Su metodología combina técnica, creatividad y una sólida base en química gastronómica, proporcionando una educación integral que capacita a sus estudiantes para dominar tanto los aspectos prácticos como teóricos de la pastelería. Reconocida por su cercanía y dedicación, Camila inspira y guía a sus alumnos a través de clases presenciales, online y cursos internacionales, destacándose por su compromiso de compartir todo su conocimiento y experiencia con ellos.

Este curso es para tí si...

  • Estás recién comenzando

    Buscas un curso que te explique desde lo más básico a lo más complejo de las técnicas profesionales, comenzando por cosas tan básicas como la teoría de un merengue para luego terminar en pastelería francesa con estructuras modernas.

  • Quieres establecer tu propio negocio

    Buscas un curso que te permita abrir un negocio rentable con recetas atractivas y listas para empezar a vender


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